What kind of soap should I try for my sensitive skin?

I tell people to start with the unscented or the oatmeal for sensitive skin. The unscented has no essential oils or fragrances. The oatmeal has the combined benefit of both goat milk and oatmeal.

What scent would you recommend for men?

Black Amber and Vanilla Oak are popular with men who like a stronger scent.

How long does your soap last?

It depends on the number of people using the soap and how often you shower, but people say that my bars last about twice as long as a normal bar of soap.

What is your favorite kind of soap?

I am personally addicted to the Coffee Scrub! The coffee grounds exfoliate your skin, and I like that feeling. Sarah likes the Black Amber because it smells so good.

How long does it take you to ship your soap?

We try to get our shipments out in the mail within two days.

Do you ship internationally?

No, but we do ship to anywhere within the U.S.